Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tune Out Tuesdays

i can't write unless i'm listening to music. it has to be something i know very well, so i'm not tempted to actually listen to it; the music i write to is there more for the exercise of tuning it out than it is to create the right mood or atmosphere for my story.

but in the end, it usually correlates to whatever scene i'm writing anyway. a vicious cycle of 'art' imitating art?  who knows.

here's what i've been listening to this week:

bon iver's entire catalog is pretty much a given. for whatever reason their style really works for this particular project. but track three of their recent self titled release in particular gives me a hardcore case of the pitter pats. i swear holocene will change your life, and is one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard. ever.

oh my god by cults. i love the lyrics. who doesn't feel exactly like this from time to time?

and finally for this week, shell games by bright eyes. i am so stoked i've finally listened to this album enough that it can be on my writing rotation.

what are you listening to lately?

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